Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Joke #4

So a man goes up to his friend and says:
"I'm having a problem.  I'm spending
too much money!  I go to movies, I eat out,
I use lots of gas driving places." 
The friend says, "That does seem like a lot." 
"It is," the man says.  "I promised myself I'd
make it all up by eating only Ramen for two
weeks and not leaving my house."

"Good plan," says the friend.
"It is," says the man.  "But I haven't done any of it! 
I keep spending money."
"Uh oh."

"I know."

"That's the end of the story?" asks the friend.

"Story?!" yells the man. "I thought I was talking
to a banker.  I need a loan!"

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