Friday, June 22, 2007

I looked out the window, a man was standing right there looking in!

Immediately did he jump inside crashing glass every which way but one; out the way he came. I jumped a leap or two over his flying body and landed back out in the grass, he looked back out the window I just had. He yelled and mooed and as I leapt back into the house I must admit it was loud. I landed feet down on an old sofa that seemed to belong to me before my house got broken into this time. The springs creaked out a groan and I ran for the stairs with this maniac right up my feet. I hopped my way through a window without breaking it, but the hooting bull man behind me observed no such niceties as the glass actually shattered backwards towards him in anticipation. I didn't have to be told twice to be scared and slode down that drainpipe faster than Jiminy Xmas. A quick trip back up the pipe from the inside was a dangerous assumption (what if HE came down?) but my storied and stored up luck was once again in evidence. I couldn't find my assailant but I could hear him breathe snorts of disbelief and acceptance and I spun around to what was heard. He had vanished I'll bet, but tonight I think I'll keep the blinds drawn.

1 comment:

tisher and adam said...

This is both scary and true, I'll say. Boy, I'm not kidding. One more thing, they'll hang you by the feet they will. Listen up to this blog!
-Jason Swartzwelder